T: 01642 701837 info@anelec.org

Anelec at 'Leaders on Tour Tees Valley' business event

We joined other Tees Valley Businesses to talk about growth opportunities in the North East. 

Our MD, Andrew Porritt, joined other ambitious business owners in the region for a jam-packed two days last week at the Leaders on Tour Tees Valley event.

The organisers, FW Capital & FIRST did a stellar job at encouraging Andrew to take a step back from the busy day-to-day running of Anelec to:

 Meet other like-minded people in the local business world
  • Find out about the many business growth support opportunities that Teesside has to offer

  • Get an up-close and personal glimpse into the operations, success stories and strategies that have propelled some of the region’s biggest organisations like Wilton Engineering, The Gaming Hideaway, Wander Films and Press On Vinyl forward.

 All in all, a brilliant event. Thanks for having us!

Contact us for a quote:

T: 01642 701837 | M: 07803 696 405

E: info@anelec.org